Thursday, December 17, 2009

Come spend the day with Zetta Brown!

Hey y'all! I got a busy day today because I'm gonna be at THREE places at once! Take your pick!

Q&A at The Writing Jungle
Q&A today with Zetta B! Today is a Q&A session all about yours truly at The Writing Jungle blog - so if you got any questions you want to corner me with--now's your chance! You may win a free copy of "Cherries Jubilee" C'mon y'all!

Brenda Williamson's Romance Party
Party over here! I'm the guest author today at Brenda's group so be sure to stop by! There will be excerpts, prizes, fun stuff and whatever else!

and finally, I'll be hanging around at the

AuthorIsland All Day Chat!

We'll be gabbin' and sharing our favorite cookie recipies along with an ornament giveaway. And let me say that if you like men in kilts, you'll like the ornament I'm giving away ;-D

So come on out to any (or all!) of these spots today and say "Howdy!" to me!

Zetta Brown
Editor-in-Chief, LL-Publications/Logical-Lust Publications
Get our newsletter: subscribe(at)

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