Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter in America...

So as y'all may well know THE Jeanie (that's me) has until recently resided in the Southern Hemisphere - New Zealand to be exact - for quite some time...the reason I mention this is Easter Sunday saw Momma (Jayha Leigh) myself (The Jeanie) Mr Momma (self explanatory) and my cousin Losa taking a short and very sweet road trip.

Now it seems that usually on Easter Sunday in Momma's neck of the woods stores, malls and the like have always been open and yet where Losa and myself come from everything pretty much shuts the f**k down from Good Friday through to Monday...of course this is in New Zealand.

So unfortunately for Momma the store that sells a dessert that she was hankering for was closed...although we lunch/dinner at Cracker question (which I know Momma is going to smack my heiny for) When did (if ever) Crackers ever come in barrels?

Hope everyone had a fun/happy/relaxing/great weekend.
And just so y'all know I just added the picture of Pinky & The Brain cos' I and because it's my Momma's ringtone...she's so darned cute!

Jeanie and Jayha


Beautiful Trouble Publishing said...

yeah and i was pissed b/c i go to restaurants on Easter Sunday being i don't cook.
i wanted my dessert...i didn't get it so i blamed jeanie and losa.

Drea Riley said...

back in the day crackers came in big azz barrells...way back before the restraunt was called cracker barrel lol

Jeanie Johnson said...

Oh for real? Well my bad! Thank you Baby Girl! Now I know.

John Spirit Wolf said...

Late 1700' up through the 1800's Crackers were sold in Barrels for ships stores... The barrels would protect them from being salt water soaked, keep them dry... Although the ones that they were selling were not what you would call a cracker by todays standards, they were not like a saltine cracker... They were actually more like a biscuit... Just a little bit of sailing history for you my dear...